Triples A
Triples A
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Two Triples Groups A & B. The winners of each group will meet in the final at Kettering Lodge April 11-13
All dates shown are 'Play By' dates, no exceptions!
Challenger (Top Name) to arrange match date at least 7 days before the 'Play By' date.
2 Trial ends followed by 18 ends. Re Spots used, no dead ends
Please post the image of the score card on the NIBA WhatsApp Group or email to [email protected]
Against each Bowling Team is an abbreviation of the club.
Brackley & District = B&DBC | Daventry = DavBC | Desborough = DesBC | Kingsthorpe = KBC | Kettering Lodge = KLBC | Northampton & District = N&D | Rushden = RTBC | Wellingborough = WBC